Be the Change You Wish to See with GOOD DEED!

Your generosity fuels our mission to bring smiles and hope.

MECA Welfare Activities

MECA Welfare Activities include providing essential support to both existing cadets and Ex-cadets, their families, and associates. MECA delves into responding to post-natural disasters or helping families that fall into hard times financially. But the association goes beyond this to bring food, clothing, and financial help, organizing health camps, winter clothing drives, and many other community-based programs. The point of these efforts is to build a network of solidarity where MECA can provide relief, provide reassurance, to those needing it within the community.

The Endowment Fund of MECA will be a crucial resource for all the existing Cadets as well as the ex-cadets in easing the pressure of the rising cost of education by providing funds for fees, scholarships, and other related costs. The fund will also be used for awarding grants in response to sudden needs, like health problems or family problems. The Endowment Fund will be the most important for MECA in its efforts to provide support to its community when required, furthering the association’s objective to assist its members in normal and extraordinary activities.

MECA Welfare Drive

MECA Welfare Activities include providing essential support to both existing cadets and Ex-cadets, their families, and associates. MECA delves into responding to post-natural disasters or helping families that fall into hard times financially. But the association goes beyond this to bring food, clothing, and financial help, organizing health camps, winter clothing drives, and many other community-based programs. The point of these efforts is to build a network of solidarity where MECA can provide relief, provide reassurance, to those needing it within the community.

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund of MECA will be a crucial resource for all the existing Cadets as well as the ex-cadets in easing the pressure of the rising cost of education by providing funds for fees, scholarships, and other related costs. The fund will also be used for awarding grants in response to sudden needs, like health problems or family problems. The Endowment Fund will be the most important for MECA in its efforts to provide support to its community when required, furthering the association’s objective to assist its members in normal and extraordinary activities.

Be the Change You Wish to See with GOOD DEED!

Your generosity fuels our mission to bring smiles and hope.

Open Hours

Address: Apartment: B-6, Biswas - Sultan Plaza, 79 Arjatpara - Mohakhali Rd, Dhaka 1206

Saturday - Thursday10am-7pm

Friday Closed

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